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March 5, 2013

Storage Units in San Diego, CA

Looking for a storage unit in San Diego? Give Big Box Storage a try! Welcome back to another installment of the weekly Big Box Storage blog. This week we are focused on storage units here in San Diego and how Big Box Storage can help you with renting one.

As you can see from the picture above we are talking about portable storage, where the storage is delivered to you. But in considering what to write this week it occurs to us that the term “storage” has changed radically over the last 10 years. For instance 10 years ago if someone had said “storage” to you in a conversation you might have immediately thought of the static, non-moving, storage units that are little more than a garage for rent at a storage facility. And you would have been at least 75% correct in that assumption. Something has changed over the last 10 years though to change the way we think of “storage”. Nowadays almost everyone has a cell phone, or an iPad, or other e-Reader. Additionally almost everyone has an email address and/or Facebook account. We don’t think about it after we have purchased or signed up for these services that storage is an active part of our daily lives with emails, pictures, addresses, and more all being stored digitally. Just this last week a story came out about Facebook is now storing old photos in “cold storage”. It’s interesting to discuss because the more we do in the digital space, the more we have to consider long term storage of all the information we accumulate over the years.

The same is with your real life possessions and paper work. Make sure that your real life possessions that you accumulate over the years are safe and guarded. Big Box Storage can be your long term solution to your “real life” storage needs. We have controlled-environment and secure storage units in San Diego to protect your belongings and keepsakes. If you own a business, call and ask about our long term discounts and let us store the old files you need to keep for tax purposes. Big Box Storage is your “real life” home for all your storage unit needs.